Surgery Update - At Last! — Jamie Gane
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Surgery Update - At Last!

Thank you for those who have been patiently waiting for my surgery news - I certainly feel as though I have been waiting a while myself.

Yesterday, I had an appointment with a top plastic surgeon at Sailsbury Hospital and surprisingly, it went well. The surgeon was extremely friendly and she gave a detailed explanation of why my stump is in it's current position and the steps that can be taken to overcome this. I have been put on the waiting list for surgery and the plan is to be admitted into hospital for two weeks and have two separate procedures to both unravel the muscle and then stitch my stump back up. It is looking like a longer recovery but it is necessary if I ever want to walk. I should find out in the next month a date for surgery - which is estimated to be in either June or July. 

On another note, I've been extremely busy within my role as an ambassador for the Knights Foundation. We are starting to really generate some fantastic fundraising events and I'm looking forward to creating networks with more schools and local businesses to enable more young people and families to have support. 

With surgery in quite a few months, I have decided to take up an opportunity that came to me earlier this year. I was invited to join a group of young people to walk a large section of the Camino de Santiago, which is traditionally a 800Km trek through northern Spain. Originally, this would have been for religious reasons however, as times have changed, it offers a fantastic adventure and one that I am really looking forward to accomplishing. As I only booked the flights earlier today, I don't have too much information however stay in contact for more!

Thank you for those of you who have sent me inspiring stories - I really love to read them and hope that I can help inspire others as you come with me through my journey.