Blog — Jamie Gane
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Follow my journey on my blog! I post updates involving amputation, athletics, health and fitness, nutrition as well as my every day life. Get some tips on how you should be performing in the gym, how to improve your diet or what it's like in the day-to-day of an amputee. Take a behind the scenes look at competitions and my training or just read my viewpoints on relevant topics.

Sound Mind, Sound Body: How movement can help bring positivity to your life

We all know that feeling, especially this time of the year, of wanting to stay in bed. There is frost on the ground, dark mornings and a million and one things to complete on your to-do list but yet you still drag yourself up and out to get moving. Imagine having to do all of that and pushing yourself to go for a walk outside, just several months after a leg amputation.

Here's my story of how movement has sparked joy within my personal journey:

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Jamie Gane