Blog — Jamie Gane
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Follow my journey on my blog! I post updates involving amputation, athletics, health and fitness, nutrition as well as my every day life. Get some tips on how you should be performing in the gym, how to improve your diet or what it's like in the day-to-day of an amputee. Take a behind the scenes look at competitions and my training or just read my viewpoints on relevant topics.

Rest Days are Your Best Days

When you’re in a routine and on a roll with your training, you don’t want to think about rest days. The thought of stopping for the day seems pretty daunting, let alone stopping for a week! Despite the daunting nature of rest days, they really can be your best days of training, allowing you to recover, re-group and align your goals.

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Jamie Gane
Cars - How do Amputees Drive?

Do I have an adapted car? How do you drive with one foot? Can you drive a manual? Yes, easily and yes. Perhaps some of the most common questions and for me, very simple answers however there are really quite a lot of options available to amputees.

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Jamie Gane
January Progress

January - the month of person plans, annual target setting and ultimate reflection. So with that in mind, what have I been doing with my January so far?

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Jamie Gane