Blog — Jamie Gane
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Follow my journey on my blog! I post updates involving amputation, athletics, health and fitness, nutrition as well as my every day life. Get some tips on how you should be performing in the gym, how to improve your diet or what it's like in the day-to-day of an amputee. Take a behind the scenes look at competitions and my training or just read my viewpoints on relevant topics.

Happy New Year - A 2016 Review and News for 2017

2016 has truly ben a fantastic year from both a personal and athlete standpoint.

On a personal level, I finished my degree and graduated with a very high mark. I moved into my own flat and adopted another furry family member – my new cat Rio. Earlier this year, my surgeon agreed to amputate my foot and despite multiple challenges and disappointments, it finally happened in September.

As I go into the New Year, I am gaining confidence on my new prosthetic leg and looking forward to the start of the athletics season in April. I am now waiting for my stump to be surgically fixed, which will hopefully be in a few months. The surgeons have decided that they would like more healing time before changing my stump again.  This surgery will simply re-attach the muscle back onto the bone and allow more protection for the currently exposed bone, which is very uncomfortable at the moment.  The initial amputation so far as severely increased my quality of life and has really made my year.

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Jamie Gane

Now 10 weeks post-op, I would have liked to be recovered by now and be on the track with my new prosthetic - unfortunately, that isn't the case. 

In week 8 of amputee rehabilitation, I was discharged with a view to continue attending the clinic as an outpatient for wound-checks. Unfortunately after only a week, I wasn't able to use my prosthetic as my pain levels increased and a large bruise appeared on the bottom of my stump. I was strongly advised to go to A&E as I may have osteomyelitis (a bone infection). The A&E department were fantastic and I was visited by an orthopaedic surgeon who informed me that I needed more scans investigations. After an x-ray, something was picked up on the bone but they couldn't tell exactly what so I have been booked in for an MRI, which will be happening tomorrow. 

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AmputationJamie Gane