Blog — Jamie Gane
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Follow my journey on my blog! I post updates involving amputation, athletics, health and fitness, nutrition as well as my every day life. Get some tips on how you should be performing in the gym, how to improve your diet or what it's like in the day-to-day of an amputee. Take a behind the scenes look at competitions and my training or just read my viewpoints on relevant topics.

Runner's Anxiety is Real but Manageable

Your heart is pounding, you're sweating and you haven't even started running yet. You feel a pit in your stomach while butterflies work there magic inside of you, eating away at any confidence left - these are all very common feelings for an individual with runners anxiety. So what is runners anxiety and what can you do to help manage it? 

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Jamie Gane
That's One LUSH Stump!

What's better than feeling you're looking after your diet and exercising? Looking after your skin and physical-wellbeing obviously! As amputees, we are very accustom to sores, rashes, sweating a variety of other problems that stumps/residual limbs just seem to attract.  Overall, my stump is very well-behaved and I'm able to wear my leg all day, every day but this is after trialling a range of products that really work for me. As an employee of LUSH, my product and ingredient knowledge has allowed me to recommend the following products. 

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Jamie Gane
Disability Discrimination in the Workplace

A few weeks ago, I asked my Facebook followers whether they felt that individuals are still being discriminated against for their disability in the workplace. Out of the 166 respondents, a shocking 89% answered 'Yes.' So with 19% of the adult working age people being labelled as disabled in the UK, why is the community still facing such adversity?!

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Jamie Gane