Blog — Jamie Gane
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Follow my journey on my blog! I post updates involving amputation, athletics, health and fitness, nutrition as well as my every day life. Get some tips on how you should be performing in the gym, how to improve your diet or what it's like in the day-to-day of an amputee. Take a behind the scenes look at competitions and my training or just read my viewpoints on relevant topics.

There's No 'I' in 'Frontrunner'

The asics frontrunners are a team - a team of like-minded and talented individuals in the pursuit of movement. Whether that’s running, cycling, walking, swimming or judo, the team pulls together the experiences and talents of others to share within the group and to inspire others into movement. Until this weekend, I thought I knew what it was to be an asics Frontrunner but the past few days in Dublin have opened my eyes.

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Jamie Gane
Mud Monsters Run - A Review

Deep in the countryside of West Sussex, a hidden gem of an obstacle course is placed. With a permanent 135 acre site, the Mud Monsters Run promises an extremely muddy course packed full of obstacles.

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Jamie Gane
My Pit Plan

World’s Toughest Mudder is just around the corner. With 24 hours of obstacle-fuelled exhaustion, here’s my pit plan for how I will achieve my target:

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Jamie Gane
Night-Time, Bedtime? Think Again.....

As we now start to venture into darkened nights, we now find that our runs start to get darker and darker. Not only are we having to think about how to be seen but also how to see as well as all of the other challenges that running at night has. Whether you are going for a jog in low light or running throughout the night, this blog will give you some tips and hints as to how to manage it.

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Jamie Gane
How Did I Convince Surgeons to Amputate My Leg?

A controversial question however one that I am often asked when speaking to other sufferers of CRPS/chronic pain. Unless you’re in that head space, it’s so difficult to understand why an individual would wish to amputate a limb - especially against doctor’s wishes. Having said that, I am contacted a number of times a week to guide people through the process so what better way to speak to the masses then to write a blog post!

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Jamie Gane