July Plans and Busy Life — Jamie Gane
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Follow my journey on my blog! I post updates involving amputation, athletics, health and fitness, nutrition as well as my every day life. Get some tips on how you should be performing in the gym, how to improve your diet or what it's like in the day-to-day of an amputee. Take a behind the scenes look at competitions and my training or just read my viewpoints on relevant topics.

July Plans and Busy Life

As some of you may know, I started a full-time position in May as a Credit Analyst. This has meant that my life is suddenly extremely busy but it also means that my life has a lot more structure. I've now planned all of my weekends for July and I'm really excited! 

On the 7th of July, I am off to Ireland to complete my 8th Tough Mudder. I will be leaving straight from work (4pm) and heading to the airport to fly into Dublin. I will then be running on the Saturday and volunteering on the Sunday to return home in the evening. I will then be up and ready for an 8am start at work on Monday. 

The following week, I have taken 1/2 a day off on the Friday and I will be getting the train up to Birmingham to fly to Hannover, ready for my 9th Tough Mudder in Germany. Again, I will be running on the Saturday and home on the Sunday ready for work on the Monday.  

On the 21st of July, I will be heading to Wales after work to spend a weekend volunteering with young people that have faced specific adversity in their lives. I work as a mentor for the young people and their families and it will be a fantastic weekend of educating and mentoring!

The next week, I will be completing my 10th Tough Mudder in Yorkshire. I have taken 1/2 a day off of work and will be travelling up to run on the Saturday. To mark the special milestone, I am looking for another disabled person to run/walk/crawl/whatever it takes. I am willing to take them up to Yorkshire and for them to use my Mountain Trike wheelchair to complete the course. I will be pushing them around the course, if necessary, so please get in contact if you would like to be part of this! 

It's safe to say that July will be extremely busy but an amazing experience! Keep up-to-date with my events under the 'upcoming' page and stay in contact. 


Jamie Gane