A Wheely Muddy Challenge - Because That's How We Roll — Jamie Gane
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A Wheely Muddy Challenge - Because That's How We Roll

As I begin writing this blog post, it's almost like I have no idea where to start. This month has been incredible and I have made friends that I believe will last forever. On Thursday, I received a running blade from Blatchford in Basingstoke and was able to run without pain for the first time in 14 years. Being able to run, and having feeling that ultimate freedom is something that no other experience can replicate. Earlier in this month, I travelled to Ireland and Germany as well as volunteering with vulnerable young people in Wales and as many of you may know, this weekend I completed my 11th and 12th Tough Mudder in Yorkshire.

As I have now completed quite a few muddy runs, I really wanted to give somebody an opportunity to experience Tough Mudder and complete the course, regardless of their disability. I placed an advert on social media and I had quite a few responses. I sought to find somebody that would not be able to complete the course without the help of others and suddenly, a young man called Jeshu appeared. As I still had my all-terrain wheelchair from my adventure in Spain, I knew that we could use that around the course and my previous experience of completing two tough Mudders in a wheelchair meant I knew it was possible. 

I have never met Jeshu before but we agree to meet early on Sunday morning. I saw him walking over from the car park with his parents with a huge smile on his face and I knew then that this challenge will be completed. I gave him some time to get used to the chair and we set off on the first wave. Within the first few hundred metres, we had fellow mudders that were willing to help and the support from the spectators was fantastic. I had been previously told that the Yorkshire course was the most hilly but I had prepared some rope to help pull up the chair. As we approached each obstacle, we got together as a team and decided how we were going to get him over. As we conquered large obstacles, the crowd was really behind us and cheering us on. I'm pleased to say that we completed every single obstacle, including Everest!

We flew by mile by mile and before we knew it, there was only 1 mile to go. Just one big push until the end. With all hands on deck, we pushed Jeshu the rest of the way and charged through the finish line with the biggest smiles ever. It was incredibly emotional and I was on the verge of tears as the headband was placed on his head. We never stopped believing that we couldn't do it and the teams positivity and perseverance meant that we were always going to complete it. 

I would like to thank each mudder for their assistance with Jeshu yesterday. I'm incredibly happy that I was able to give somebody the opportunity to achieve something that they otherwise wouldn't have been able to. It wouldn't have been possible without the team and you were all muddy angels! 

Step outside of your comfort zone, help somebody, inspire others and live life <3 

Jamie Gane