Mudnificent 7 — Jamie Gane
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Mudnificent 7

I returned from Morocco on the 11th and got straight back into my crazy schedule. The plane landed at about 2:30pm and I then dropped my dad off before popping home to collect my dryrobe (essentials for a muddy weekend). I unpacked my Morocco suitcase and packed my weekend bag in about 10 minutes and drove straight up to Coventry to then prepare for Mudnificent 7 the following day. 

Mudnificent 7 is an Obstacle Course Race (OCR) and Expo that has 7 different race organisations (and one secret organisation) that contribute towards one event. They were split into different zones and the expo had a range of different organisations offering a range of products that are essential to an OCR lifestyle. 

Zone 1 - Suffering Race

This section was my favourite! The best part for me was quite near the beginning when we jumped over a 5/6ft wall and we then had to spin around in circles 10 times and then pick up a sandbag to carry over more walls - fortunately I didn't fall over but it was great fun to see if I was able to walk in a straight line. There were lots of walls to clamber over and the obstacles were very well designed. I enjoyed this section so much that I have actually signed up to the Pain and Suffering event next year. Over one weekend, I will complete a 5k, 10k and 10 mile race - a typical Tough Mudder weekend for me but with different obstacles. 


Zone 2 - Extreme Event

This was a funny section and my leg actually fell off while completing the 'Inverse Traverse.' My blade got caught under one of the pipes and instead of trying to hook it out, I kept going and let it fall off - it certainly kept everyone very amused.  


Zone 3 - Bigfoot Challenge

This was my first time going through a tyre field and it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. They had created a rig with many rings and ropes to conquer however I think the slack had gone and unfortunately, it wasn't a challenge. I think if it would have been set up correctly, it would have been a great section. 


 Zone 4 - Ram Run

Another big rig was set up with monkey bars and swinging balance beams - a great challenge for both balance and upper body strength! I really enjoyed the rig and my upper body was actually starting to get tired by this point so it was great to test it out. 


Zone 5 - Zombie Evacuation Race - The Secret Zone

A nice change from obstacles as this section was literally just running away from zombies as they run out at you. Their makeup and clothing was very well done and they certainly scared some of the other runners. We ran through a house (or tentatively walked through) and ironically there were lots of spare plastic limbs around - I fancied taking one but figured the zombies needed them more! 

Zone 6 - Rocket Race

Another one of my favourite obstacles - the star catcher. Incredible simple but great fun. All you had to do was climb up a wooden frame and then do a forward roll onto a cargo net and then do a forward roll to remove yourself from the obstacle. More bars to swing on and nets to climb over - all good fun!


Zone 7 - Urban Attack

This zone more of a parkour section and I really loved it. There were lots of walls ranging from 5ft to 8ft that I was able to complete on my own. They also had a large wall to scale, which I was able to run up on my own - I was incredibly happy. I'm really thinking about signing up for one of these races!


Zone 8 - Reaper

As I'm not too keen on water obstacles, in general, this was my least favourite section. Still great fun though as there was a large slide that plummeted you into the lake for you to then swim to the other side. Regardless of the obstacles, the section was a great place for some great water shots! 


Overall, I had such a great day. I enjoyed seeing the dryrobe stand and my other OCR friends. Thank you to all of the contributors to the event and I look forward to more in the future! 

As always my blade, Bender, performed extremely well and I look forward to using him more! Huge thank you to Blatchfords for Bender and all I am able to achieve with him. 






Jamie Gane