Searching for Adaptive Individuals — Jamie Gane
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Follow my journey on my blog! I post updates involving amputation, athletics, health and fitness, nutrition as well as my every day life. Get some tips on how you should be performing in the gym, how to improve your diet or what it's like in the day-to-day of an amputee. Take a behind the scenes look at competitions and my training or just read my viewpoints on relevant topics.

Searching for Adaptive Individuals

As many of you know, I am very passionate about inspiring others to achieve their dreams. Last year, I organised for a chap to be pushed around the Tough Mudder course with my Mountain Trike wheelchair and I am pleased to announce that I am looking for more adaptive individuals to inspire. It's my aim to show an adaptive individual round every UK course this year so let's spread the world and inspire others together. 


Who/what am I looking for?

I would love to help out any individual that identifies themselves as adaptive. Whether you're an amputee, paraplegic, deaf or autistic is not important - it's how we get you round the course and introduce you to a new community full of support and love. 

You must be inspired to motivate others and be willing to work hard. You must be willing to jump in with both feet first (even if you don't have 2 feet) and get muddy. 

With regards to equipment and logistics, that is something that we are able to figure out nearer the time. Your story and participation (with your permission) will be shared on my pages and you'll have the opportunity to get your voice heard through my social media presence. 


What do you have to do?

Simply, you have to come to a Tough Mudder event with me and complete a course - whether that's a 5k, a half (5-6 miles) or a full (10-12 miles). 

What will you get?

Other than the pride of completing a course, you will receive a t-shirt & headband. You'll feel great knowing that you're able to inspire the next nation of adaptive individuals and I will also create a video of the event for you to enjoy (ready for your next one ;) ). 

Next Steps

So you're all ready to sign up with me? 

Take a look at Tough Mudder's event page, which can be found HERE. I'll be at every UK event this year so drop me a message on my facebook page. Alternatively, email me at to learn more. 


Not quite ready for a Tough Mudder?

Saying yes and jumping in is the hardest part of the journey. If you aren't quite ready for that challenge yet, take a look at my Facebook group 'Never Stumped for Family.'

The group aims to connect adaptive athletes/participants with those that are willing to help and introduce new people to their sport. 

Let's all get inspired and go out of our comfort zone to achieve! 

Jamie Gane